Our Story

For as long as I can remember, the 'dream', was find the man, get married, have children and live happily ever after. At 22, I had a corporate career that was taking off, I had locked in the dream guy and my life was on a fast track to destination 'the dream'. But there was always this knowing in my heart, I just knew, that would never truly be enough for me. So I quit the man, then eventually I quit the career and at 26 I enrolled in fashion school. I had no idea what I was going to create, I just knew that I wanted to create something that was me, put it out in the world and see what happened. 

Over the last 5 years I have tested the waters with many creative projects & while many would say they failed, I would say they were simply stepping stones, a pathway to here. None of them ever felt quite right. I was always trying to bend and shape them into the vessel that would carry a very specific feeling that i wanted to share... and they lacked the most important thing. That thing was my heart. I had never been brave enough to go all in. I had never been brave enough to be honest & authentic & raw & vulnerable. Until now. 

Self Love Edition is me and I am all in. This is my gift to the world. A space full of everything my heart wants to say. All I want to create for the world, is a reminder. That life can be good. That all you are, is all you have ever needed. You are enough. You are worthy. You are magic. You are the very best of you. Just as you are.